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Health promotion and health maintenance are essential for all children. Healthy children are free to learn, to play, to engage and to discover their environment at school and at home. Children with developmental delays or chronic disease are considered healthy as they learn to successfully adapt to their unique condition.

STARS Academy's nursing staff continuously work with our children and families, our therapists, our classroom teachers, and each child’s health care provider to facilitate optimal health and well-being.


Our facilities have full time licensed nurses on staff. STARS nurses have the demonstrated knowledge, skill and experience to treat anything from a skinned knee to caring for a medically fragile child with multiple medical needs. Frequent communication with families is encouraged to ensure every child can reach his/her maximum health potential. We realize children with chronic and/or acute conditions require additional communication and coordination of services with families, as well as their entire health care team.

Some of the conditions we routinely care for are:

  • Nutritional needs, including tube feedings, thickened liquids and food allergies

  • Respiratory disorders, including Chronic Respiratory Disease

  • Breathing treatments

  • Supplemental oxygen needs

  • Trach care

  • Medication administration

  • Immunization verification

  • Catheterization

  • Premature Infants/Toddlers

  • Ostomy care

  • Epilepsy

  • Cerebral Palsy

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